10 Temmuz 2013 Çarşamba

Flu and Cold

Cold & FluColds and flu are two separate disease that is often confused with each other. Causative agent of the disease in both viruses. Although some symptoms similar to the flu, with many types of illness caused by a specific virus would be more accurate to define.
COLDS VIRUSES OR feverAs a factor in a variety of common cold viruses, upper respiratory infection. These viruses are spread by droplets emitted to the environment of the patient with cough and aksırığı. Especially in winter, common cold, upper part of the nostrils and nasal dryness, burning, itching, sneezing starts. Before long, watery and translucent, then yellowish and viscous nasal discharge may be seen. Depending on the nasal mucosa swelling may develop nasal congestion.
Weakness, ürperirle, general symptoms, such as headaches and muscle aches, sometimes accompanied by a fever of 38 ° C can last. Cold, depending on the disturbance of the respiratory tract, and dry cough can lead to a burning sensation in the chest. Turned down the sound of the other symptoms, redness of the eyes and nasal considered. Usually within a few days while shooting, so does not exceed one week at the time for full recovery.
The nasal cavity with a cold in the beginning of the disease, and the top layer is called the mucosa where air-purifying extensions ciliary epithelial cells specialized furnished. This ciliary mucus secretion with protrusions acts as a type of cleaning. Large amount of dust particles entering the nostrils of the nose hairs. If the particles in excess of nose hairs nasal ciliary extensions dating back to the regular movement of a surge swept outward by the tutulurak. Sağlar.Burun yüzeyininin mucosa moist mucous epithelial cells, but also the lower layer cells and glands are undertaking various tasks.
These cells play a role in immune responses to foreign substances entering the nose from the outside. Gland produces nasal secretion (mucus) germicidal light particles called lysosomes contain acid structure and can be. For this reason, prevents the growth of microorganisms in nasal secretion. The nose is entitled dense vascular network health. Permeable capillaries expand and shrink the nasal mucosa. These are used to moisten the air entering the nose. The temperature of the air entering the nose, the nose is to set the main task of the small veins.
The main importance of the nerves and nerve endings in the nose caused by the protective reflex movements. Sneezing and nasal secretion occurs against the disruptive substances. Stimulates the sympathetic nerves and blood vessels to contract vascular system. Vessels in the mucous glands, stimulates the parasympathetic system and expands slightly. Neuronal excitability, as well as the secretion of inflammatory substances and mucus artırır.Soğuk catching a traumatic factors, will cause congestion of the nose with the increased secretion of mucosal swelling and inflammation of the nasal mucosa in question. This condition is known as rhinitis or coryza commonly called. Sneezing, inflammation of the nose in the abuse, loss of sense of smell, and leads to symptoms such as nasal congestion. Generally, red eyes, eye closures seen in symptoms such as mild swelling. Chemicals other than infection, trauma and allergies caused by factors such as inflammation of the nasal mucous membrane of the nasal mucosa, reaching catching a common cold viruses gelişebilir.Soğuk independently here, shows the effect of multiplying and causing illness. The cold, traumatic dust, air pollution, allergic conditions, such as reduced immunity and general conditions of the nasal mucosa reduces the resistance of the common cold virus is effective in facilitating the establishment of the nose.
Cold incubation period is usually 24-48 hours. On the first day of the disease infecting the patient is most likely a cold. Virus-specific immunity is acquired after recovering from a cold. But it is in the common cold virus that leads to a large number of different viruses, the same person several times throughout the year yakalanabilir.Soğuk catching a cold may reduce the patient's blood white cell count (leukopenia), and can be found in the urine protein (proteinuria-ri). Gargle with water up to 2 weeks after infection, the virus can thrive, and the patient can be seen in the blood of antibodies against the virus. Pneumonia or bacterial infections resolve spontaneously addition of a cold (pneumonia), acute sinus infection (sinusitis), can lead to diseases such as otitis media, and bronchitis. Therefore, be careful, especially with heavy colds or bacteria gerekir.Virüs as a factor in many infectious disease may start as a common cold.
Measles, scarlet fever, typhoid fever, brucellosis (Malta fever) and polio are observed at the beginning of the symptoms of the common cold. For this reason, the course of the common cold başvurulmalıdır.Soğuk catching a good physician should be monitored and any heavier drug use is seen generally unhelpful. Mitigating some of the symptoms of flu drugs being received in the early period effect. To be useful in increasing the resistance of the body of vitamin C, it has been the common cold there is no conclusive evidence on this issue. The composition of mucus, nasal congestion resolves solvents, analgesic, antipyretic drugs are substances that reduce the secretion of nose and relieves the patient's symptoms. It alleviates the symptoms of nose drops, throat lozenges that corrects dryness or pain, respiratory tract, cough syrups, and can benefit from hydrating mists. Lime soup and warm drinks as well as the condition of the patient a relief. Antibiotics used for disease bacteria have been added to the common cold.
Because antibiotics are not effective against viruses. Fever lasting longer than 4 days, cough with sputum yellow-green color, and the increase in white blood diseases Shows bacteria. Also those who have a respiratory infection, such as chronic bronchitis, a cold caught a cold caught verilebilir.Sık antibiotics in patients with the protective factors in facilitating the elimination of this condition is essential. Children adenoit (nasal tonsils), the curvature of the mid-section of the nose in adults (deviation), and excessive growth of tissues in the nose, the cause of susceptibility to the common cold.
Streptococcus, staphylococcus, and pneumococcus resides in the nasal cavity as well as some bacteria can enter the nose or inhaled air. Defense force trauma due to colds, nasal cavity tissues decreased the proliferation of these bacteria in the nasal mucosa çoğalabilir.Bakterilerin nose, fever is caused by bacteria that harm coupled activities. This condition, typical of subsequent simple common cold may occur as a complication.Unlike the common cold, bacteria, colds less frequent bouts of sneezing. Nasal discharge and irinlidir dark-ish consistency. The nose is an instrument with the help of light drinking Rhinoscope speaking, the nasal mucosa fried) are determined to be swollen and covered with dense secretion. Secretion in the nasal mucosa cells under a microscope, bacteria, white blood cells from the blood vessels and mucous membrane symptoms may be mild görülür.Genel salgıbezle-tion consists of mucus produced. The mid-section, such as the curvature of the nose and colds, but to facilitate the growth of structural defects adenoit sürebilir.İltihabın a few weeks if you have inflammation of the sinuses and nasal cavity adjacent fever bacteria from spreading to other regions leads to various complications.
Flu vasomotor
Cause of symptoms of the common cold viruses. Generally çiçektozları (pollen), mainly as a result of appreciation of allergic sensitivity to certain substances in the body colds are included under the next heading. An antigen-antibody reaction in contact with these substances leads to nasal mucosa. Histamine or histamine-like substances are released from cells and, accordingly, bouts of sneezing, nasal congestion, copious, watery symptoms such as runny nose, I arise.Vasomotor herein generally used to act on the autonomic nervous system vascular origin.
Allergic rhinitis which like features, therefore, also known as pseudo-allergic rhinitis or vasomotor rhinitis origin, occur in people with a predisposition to the disease. Vasomotor rhinitis, cold, heat, especially climbing, gas, depending on factors such as dust or fumes may occur traumatic. In some cases, menstruation, during the first months of pregnancy, menopause, thyroid hormone excess Endocrine system, such as changes in the balance of the autonomic nervous system disorders, liver failure, local infection, and mild mental stimuli, such as diabetes-related metabolic disorders, and the excitability of vasomotor rhinitis oynar.Bu colds role the type of people who are inclined nose and allergic vasomotor reflexes is evident even in the absence of a warning is released histamine or histamine-like substances, it is postulated that the clinical symptoms of allergic nezledekilere edilir.Belirtiler quite similar: the transparent and nasal congestion, as well as plenty of nasal secretion and is sneezing bouts.
The instability of the differential diagnosis of seizures nezleyle allergic vasomotor helps colds. These seizures may take a few minutes to several hours and variable intervals until repeated. Other distinguishing features of the allergen can lead to seizures or other material that serves as the independent development of çiçektozları and allergy testing should be considered a negative response. Intended for the treatment of symptoms of the common cold as well as.
Allergic rhinitis
Allergic rhinitis, nasal mucosa swelling, redness, itching, and sneezing is a disease manifested by seizure-attributes. The most common allergic condition. Yollanyla respiratory allergens, as well as the dietary allergens can cause allergic colds. Allergic rhinitis, the patient is extremely uncomfortable. School students, working people will be unable to go to work. Usually seen in children and adolescents. Approximately one third of patients will occur before the age of 10. Most men and 10-19 in women between the ages of 20-30 görülür.Alerjik acute and short-term forms of rhinitis such as hay fever and seasonal flu, known as chronic or recurrent types.
Some can be found in both patients. Acute allergic rhinitis, the most common form of allergic rhinitis. Usually seen in adults under the age of school çağlannda and 50. Mouth breathing and nasal symptoms associated with the disease such as redness occur. Allergic rhinitis occurs in individuals allergic persons other family situations are quite common. Çiçektozlarının flying in the air increases the incidence of spring and summer. Wood çiçektozları symptoms occurring in the spring, the spring and summer months çiçektozları symptoms of herbaceous plants, fungi, spores and fungi are responsible for the fall of the symptoms that arise. Result olorak allergic rhinitis, can be seen throughout the year, depending on the active substance.
The main symptoms are intense çiçektozlarının AKSM emerged early in the day, runny nose, nasal congestion, nasal burning, coughing, eyes and ears concerning the symptoms. In addition, fatigue, emotional distress, loss of sense of taste and smell, loss of appetite as well as various symptoms occur. On examination, redness and swelling in the nasal mucosa of the nose is stuffy nose secretions abundant eosinophils (a type of white blood cell), high levels of serum immunoglobulin E type saptanır.Saman fever earlier in the day where all the violence occurs. Serinlemesiyle pollen in the air with the evening air movement to a minimum. Cases of allergic rhinitis, hay fever season does not occur all the time. In individuals with a history of allergy to any general importance of the visible symptoms of colds.
The patient is sensitive to house dust, animal dander, mold, smoke, dust, allergens such as various vegetable proteins can cause disease. In this case, the chronic allergic rhinitis, acute rhinitis symptoms of colds is konusudur.Kronik. These patients may have sinus headache. Towards the back of the nose as a continuous nasal discharge, creating an environment where bacteria can multiply açabilir.Alerjik colds often lead to bacterial infection of the upper respiratory tract infections, nasal discharge, yellowish-green color is added. Symptoms that may occur with nasal polyps, nasal and sinus mucosa growths fine view of a handle on the water drop. Can be found in single or in clusters. Dilation of blood vessels, tissue swelling due to histamine reactions are important factors in the formation of polyps.
Allergic rhinitis MekanizmasıBurun gap formation at the bottom of the surrounding mucosa mast cells (heparin, histamine-like substances on the formation and deposition of connective-tissue cells of a kind), migrates to the surface of the epithelium during periods of high contact with allergens. Mast cells are located on the E-type immünglobulinle-re allergens are linked, a variety of mediators are secreted from these cells. Intermediates which leads to an antigen-antibody reaction. Concern mainly the tool of substances, histamine, neutrophil kemotak-ing factor (NCF), eosinophil chemotactic factor (eCafe-A), platelet-stimulating factor, and prostaglandins. Histamine is the emergence of the early symptoms of the nose nose-sensitive nerve endings, depending on etkilidir.Histaminin disclosure as a result of stimulation of the developing sneeze reflex, reflex parasympathetic vascular permeability due to the action of histamine secretion and increased nasal congestion Bagh consists of elevating the mucous membranes to swell. These effects of histamine occurs very quickly. Mucosa, excessive sensitivity to stimuli over time, an important feature of allergic rhinitis win.
DiagnosisThe patient has a history of allergic rhinitis kınmaları. Rhinoscopy, as well as the clinical symptoms (visual examination of the nasal cavity tool) helps to recognize and sinus film. Laboratory examination of skin tests, measurement of serum immunoglobulin E and eosinophil-type tests can be applied, such as health yımı.
TreatmentNow they want to get rid of the complaint made by the patients symptoms, davide-preferred drugs, antihistamines or nasal congestion and discharge in 1 s, addresses the drugs. Respond to this treatment] can not be obtained steroids, sodium krc moglikata, sometimes to the allergen desensitization treatment with vaccines prepared specially to apply. This combination will provide protection from a real sense of avoidance of allergens, skin tests determined in allergens or substances must be removed and should be avoided.
ComplicationsApplied to the full and regular treatments for allergic rhinitis results can be good enough.Allergic patients, treatment should never give up after the first unsuccessful treatment attempts. Untreated become chronic allergic rhinitis and the symptoms of disease after a period of time is ensured by. Allergic rhinitis, respiratory tract can cause serious complications if not treated well. Başhcalan of these chronic sinusitis, chronic inflammation of the nose and pharynx, nasal polyps and bronchial complications can be prevented this type of astımıdır.Günümüzde. Investigated and found to be predisposed to allergic diseases in children of allergenic substances should be removed from their environment

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